Sunday, February 27, 2011


So I decided that I needed to get more organized. I set-up a calendar on my computer with important information and reminders. I would get a hint when I needed to update my blog, run a sale, renew items, or list new ones. Well, in the infamous words of my 16 year old, "EPIC FAIL!"

I get up each morning and turn on my computer. I then proceed to check into my shops, catch up on my threads, and check the email. Usually before I'm done, the phone begins to ring. After I have fielded a few phone calls I begin my days work.

Recently that has consisted of taking care of my 5 1/2 month old Grandson three mornings a week while my eldest daughter attends college. No problem. He is an easy baby. Happy, eats well, and sleeps well. A real joy to be around. My problem is I cant seem to think about anything else while I have him. I have trouble planning the rest of my day or accomplishing much while he sleeps.

When his Mother was a baby I could get amazing things done! My home was immaculate. She was on a schedule that allowed me time to indulge in whatever artistic pursuit I was into at the time. I visited friends, had company, dressed nice every day and dinner was always on time.

I am not sure where that part of me went. My home is generally tidy but seldom clean (by my standards) now. My Grandson has some patterns to his eating and sleeping but he is not on a true schedule so I generally have to wait until I am done babysitting to do anything artistic. I seldom go out or have anyone in, apply make-up and wear something other than yoga pants and a t-shirt but once a week and dinner.....HA....."fagetaboutit". We are as likely to have fast food on a Tuesday as we are on a Saturday!

My new "Reminder"!
I cant help but think that "this too shall pass". I will find some part of myself that will get it all together. I the meantime I have my calendar and its annoying reminders popping up on the computer screen to nudge me toward the items I need to complete for the week. Maybe I need a robot with a stick, The robot could jab me and say, "Hey! Go get some make-up on!" or "Dont you think you need to get dinner started?!?"

Until that time I guess I will have to deal with my computer nagging me each week.

Or maybe I could get some gumption. Does anyone know where they sell that?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Baby Steps to making a difference

I try, everyday, to be aware of the impact I am having on this planet, my country, my community, and my home. But honestly speaking; it isnt easy. I thought that by recycling I was having more of an impact, but I had a lesson to learn.

Natalie Beaty-Vickery, (The Family Herbalist), suggested I view a video called 'The Story of Stuff'.

Rose Petal Tincture photo courtesy of The Family Herbalist
What an eye-opener! This wonderfully illustrated video takes you from the extraction of resources used in our products, all the way through their disposal. Its shocking to learn how toxic we are making ourselves and our environment just by buying into consumerism. You will be surprised by how complicit you are in this. I know I was. But, dont be mistaken, this isnt a doomsday video. At the end, you have the opportunity to discover 10 steps you can take to help improve things.

One step suggested was to "DeTox your body, DeTox your home, and DeTox the Economy". You can take that step by heading over to The Family Herbalist  for information on taking a natural approach to your health care needs.

Other steps are as easy as "Waste Less". Its all about baby steps. Ive taken a few, now you take a few. Together our baby steps add up to a giant leap!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Musical Recycling

I have a favorite band right now! They aren't very well trained. They don't have an incredible stage presence.  What they have is "hope". They hope to someday get discovered. They hope to someday record an album. They hope to get a large fan base. They hope they'll book shows....soon.

Their lyrics tug at my heart....

"Everyone has their predicaments
And everyone has to face their fears
You might as well just hold your head high
Because believe me, they'll be around for a while"

I know that, at their age, they do feel their predicaments will be around a while. I remember that feeling. As an adult, I know that time and predicaments fly by and that, in retrospect, they will have for them as well.

With songs titled, 'When I Walk My Shoes Light Up' and 'The Chinese Always Have Driveways', to say they are "random" would be an understatement!

They started out as a two girl acoustic project but have had to add males to the mix to sustain what they love. I attended a show last Spring and they "recycled" a song I already loved. When I heard they were "covering" it I thought, "there is no way they can pull this off". Their vocalist is a girl and its a "GUY" song. Somehow it worked!

The name of the band is 'Death Be Not Proud'.  Check out their Facebook Site.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A labor or love and a test of patience

I got a beautiful Grandson back in September. December rolls around and we have been unable to find the child a stocking. We have shopped every store we can think of and have still come up empty handed. I really wanted to make him one to match his Mothers. Hers had been made from antique linens, as had my other daughters. Since I was fresh out of antique linen and had no desire to look for any, we neared Christmas without a stocking.

My DH (Dear Husband) was out shopping one day and called to ask if we had found a stocking yet. To which the reply was, "no".
"Quit looking", he said, "Ive found one"!
He arrives home with a beautiful pale blue "Baby's First Christmas" stocking.

Well...It will do for this year, even though it doesn't match the others, but we are still in the market for a stocking. That's when I entered Create For Less's 12 Days of Christmas sweepstakes. (Have I told you that I am the luckiest person I know?? I win something almost every month!!)

"What did you win?", you must be asking yourselves.

I won a stocking kit! It matched the others we already had and I couldn't have been more excited! That is, until I opened the package! There were 150(!!) pieces of felt that had to be embroidered, beaded, sequined (some had to have all three!) and stitched together, BY HAND!! I started immediately because; a) I was afraid I might lose interest before I finished it, and b) I figured it would take me a year to complete it!!

Days, weeks, raw fingertips, and strained vision went by and still I persevered. Finally, on the morning of January 18, 2011 (not quite a month after I started it), I finished it!!! I took an extra step, in that I lined it upon completion.

My Daughter made the comment that she felt sorry for any Grandchildren that came after this one.She said she was certain that I would NEVER attempt anything like this again. I told her she was probably right.

Im looking into glitter pens and furry red stockings for any that come later!'

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Show and Tell

This week I wanted to show you a few of the really special antique sewing related items I have been given or bought over the years.
My DH (Dear Husband) bought these for me from an antique store in Hernando, MS

My Mother bought this for me because we both love the fashions of the 40's.

DH picked this up at Goodwill! The copyright is 1927!!!

This is a tiny sample of the (over 400!!) antique buttons I bought 15 years ago!

This is a cutting board (not completely unfolded) that was gifted to me from a friend. It had belonged to his mother who hadnt sewn in 40+ years. He also gave me a "steamer" from the 60's.

This is the final piece. These belonged to one of my best friends Mother (shawl) and Mother-in-law (dress). The shawl is from (at least) the 1960's, the dress from the early 50's. There is some sagging of the skirt (at the waist) because my dressmakers mannequin can not be adjusted any smaller. The skirt is pinned on.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

For Mama and Lauren

My Mother is the very best seamstress I have ever known. Bar none. Yet according to her, her Mother was the best seamstress she ever knew. I remember watching Mama sew when I was a kid. She never struggled with it, or if she did, I never saw it.

In the 70's, Mama and Daddy started attending "Cocktail Parties". These were fancy events where you didn't want to be "seen wearing the same thing twice". Given our limited funds, Mama made her dresses.

Flash forward to 2006....

My eldest daughter, Lauren is getting ready to go to prom. We have shopped every store in a 50 mile radius for something "no one else has". No luck. I'm telling Mama the problems we're having and she says she wants to send Lauren something. One week later, one of those "Cocktail" dresses arrives in the mail. Lauren is beside herself! She cant believe that she has a "vintage" dress! I am beside myself because I cant believe that this dress is: 1)not dry rotted and 2)so well made!

We glued rhinestones onto it and added them to the straps (something my Mother had wanted to do but never gotten around to) and Lauren had something no one else had....a vintage gown, and a testament to her Grandmother's talent.